Hoax, News Kerinci Entrance Closed

Hoax foto akses pintu masuk kerinci ditutup yang beredar. Foto: Oga/Jambiseru.com
Hoax foto akses pintu masuk kerinci ditutup yang beredar.Foto: Oga/Jambiseru.com

Hoax, News Kerinci Entrance Closed

Jambi – Netizen Kerinci and Sungai Penuh Surprised by the potential that the Kerinci entrance in Bedeng 12 was closed, it turned out that the news was only Hoaxs.

Kerinci Criminal Investigation Chief of Kerinci Edi Mardi when confirmed by Jambiseru.com through the Friday whastap, 05/01 clearly denied the news.

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“Not true, hoaxs can still be accessed but must have to run the mechanism of the Covid-19 task force post,” he explained.

Edi Mardi also appealed to all social media users in the Kerinci Regency and Sungai Penuh to not post untrue news so as not to disturb residents.

“To Medsos users in Kerinci and the full river to be wiser, don’t make people panic with the news of Hoaxs like this,” he said. (oga)

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